Five WMS Strategies for Seasonal Order Spikes

Seasonal order demand management
  • Posted On: August 20, 2024

For a business that’s prepared, seasonal order spikes are a great chance to boost sales. This is especially true during the holiday season when people do most of their shopping.

In 2021, holiday spending in the U.S. reached an impressive $886.7 billion. But to make the most of these opportunities, it’s not just about having enough stock, it’s about being ready to handle the rush efficiently.

Managing a seasonal order surge means having the right systems in place to keep everything running smoothly.

With a good Warehouse Management System (WMS), you can easily manage the ups and downs of seasonal orders, from keeping track of inventory to making sure orders are delivered on time.

In this blog, we’ll get into the details of how your business can get ready for and succeed during peak seasons, ensuring every seasonal order is handled with ease.

What is Seasonal Demand Fluctuation?

Seasonal demand fluctuation refers to the changes in consumer demand for products or services that occur during specific times of the year.

These fluctuations are often tied to seasons, holidays, or special events when consumer behavior shifts, leading to increased or decreased demand.

For example, retailers often see a spike in demand during the holiday season, while certain products like swimwear or snow gear may experience higher sales during summer or winter months, respectively.

These fluctuations can present challenges for businesses as they need to adjust their inventory, staffing, and operations to meet the changing demand.

Successfully managing seasonal demand fluctuations requires careful planning and the right tools, such as a Warehouse Management System (WMS), to ensure that businesses can respond quickly and efficiently to these changes without overstocking or running out of popular items.

What are Seasonal Products?

Wondering what are seasonal products?

Seasonal products are items that see a major increase in demand during specific times of the year, such as holiday decorations, summer clothing, or winter sports gear.

These products are popular only during seasons, so businesses must be prepared to meet the surge in demand.

To manage these products effectively, it’s important to define seasonality, which means understanding the patterns and timing of these demand spikes.

By understanding seasonality definition, businesses can better plan their inventory and marketing strategies, ensuring they have the right products available when customers need them most.

Top Five Tips to Manage Seasonal Orders with WMS

Employees managing seasonal product spike

Ever wondered how to keep your warehouse running smoothly during those hectic seasonal spikes?

Managing seasonal orders can be a real challenge, but with the right strategies, your Warehouse Management System (WMS) can make all the difference.

In this section, we’ll share the top five tips for using your WMS to efficiently manage seasonal orders to help you handle the rush and keep your customers happy.

1. Set Seasonal Goals

Have you thought about how to plan for seasonal spikes in demand?

The first step is to set clear goals for the year. This will give you a roadmap to understand seasonal trends and help you decide what stock levels to maintain during peak times.

Establishing these goals allows you to track performance and compare actual sales against your expectations.

Plus, having these goals in place makes it easier to prepare your sales calendar for the upcoming holiday season.

Here’s how to set effective seasonal goals with a warehouse management system:

  • Identify Key Sales Periods: Use historical data in your WMS to pinpoint when your busiest seasons typically occur.
  • Forecast Inventory Needs: Rely on the WMS’s predictive analytics to accurately estimate the stock levels required for these peak periods.
  • Set Performance Benchmarks: Utilize your WMS to set and monitor specific targets for sales and inventory turnover so you can track progress and adjust as needed.

By setting these goals, you’ll be better equipped to handle seasonal order fluctuations and plan for the year ahead.

2. Gather and Analyze Historical Data

Want to better understand your brand’s seasonality and product demand throughout the year?  The key is to look at historical demand data.

By reviewing sales data from previous years, you can pinpoint the times when demand was highest and how many orders you received during those periods.

This insight helps you ensure you have enough stock to meet demand and keep your customers happy.

Here’s how you can do it with a WMS:

  • Identify Peak Periods: Use your WMS to analyze past sales data and spot the times of year with the highest sales.
  • Monitor Key Metrics: Focus on metrics like forecast vs. order accuracy, inventory turnover, and order fill rate to understand how well you’re meeting demand.
  • Plan Inventory: Use these insights to adjust your stock levels, ensuring you’re prepared for high-demand periods.

By using Teamship’s WMS to study your historical data, you can plan better and avoid stockouts during peak seasons.

3. Monitor Real-Time Inventory Levels

About 34% of businesses have found themselves in a tough spot, accidentally selling products that weren’t actually in stock, leading to delays in shipping orders.

This issue often becomes even more common during seasonal order fluctuations when inventory management is under extra pressure.

A WMS takes away that uncertainty by giving you real-time visibility into your inventory levels.

With up-to-the-minute data, you can quickly adjust your inventory, reorder fast-moving items, and ensure you never run out of stock during peak seasons.

Here’s how you can keep your operations smooth, and your customers satisfied:

  • Instant Stock Visibility: See inventory levels as they change, minute by minute.
  • Proactive Reordering: Quickly identify and replenish items that are running low.
  • Avoid Stockouts: Stay ahead of demand by always having the right products on hand.

With real-time insights, you can confidently meet customer demand.

4. Automate Order Prioritization

It’s the holiday season, and orders are flooding in. How do you decide which ones to fulfill first?

A WMS can help by automatically prioritizing orders based on criteria like delivery deadlines or customer status.

This way, you can make sure high-priority orders are handled first, reducing delays and keeping your customers happy during the busiest times of the year.

  • Smart Order Ranking: Automatically sort orders by urgency and importance.
  • Efficient Fulfillment: Focus on getting the most critical orders out the door first.
  • Happy Customers: Reduce delays and meet delivery expectations, even in peak season.

Prioritize effectively and keep your customers coming back. With a WMS, you can ensure every order is handled with precision.

5. Create Customized Reports

Managing seasonal demand isn’t just about staying on top of inventory, it’s also about making data-driven decisions.

With Teamship’s WMS, you can customize reports to track your key performance indicators (KPIs) during peak seasons.

Whether it’s tracking order fulfillment times, inventory turnover, or customer satisfaction, these tailored reports give you the insights you need to optimize your operations and make informed decisions.

To make the most of your WMS during seasonal demand, consider these key benefits:

  • Tailored Insights: Customize reports to focus on the KPIs that matter most.
  • Informed Decisions: Use data to fine-tune your operations during busy periods.
  • Stay Competitive: Access detailed reports to keep your business ahead of the game.

Stay ahead by using insights to guide your strategy every season.

Manage Your Seasonal Product Demand with Teamship’s WMS

It’s the peak of the holiday season, and orders are pouring in.

You need to stay on top of every detail including inventory levels, order processing, and shipping—all while ensuring that your customers are getting what they need, when they need it.

This is where Teamship’s WMS comes in to save the day.

Our system is designed to help you manage those intense seasonal demand spikes with ease, so you can focus on what really matters: keeping your customers happy.

But that’s not all. With Teamship, you also gain access to a vast network of 3PL warehousing partners, making it easier than ever to scale your operations as demand grows.

Here’s how Teamship can help you manage your seasonal demands:

Efficient Inventory Management

Keep track of your stock in real-time, so you never oversell or run out of products during peak seasons.

Seamless Order Processing

Automate and prioritize orders to ensure timely delivery, even when the pressure is on.

Expand with Ease

Tap into our extensive network of 3PL warehouses to quickly scale your operations as demand increases. 

With Teamship, you’re not just keeping up with seasonal demand, you’re staying ahead of it.

Ready to see the difference? Schedule a demo today and experience the ease of managing seasonal order fluctuations with Teamship’s WMS for yourself!

Final Thoughts

In the fast-paced world of warehousing, managing seasonal demand can feel like a daunting task. But with the right tools and strategies, it doesn’t have to be.

Remember, it’s all about being prepared, staying flexible, and using every resource at your disposal to keep your operations running smoothly, no matter the season.

With a little planning and the right approach, you can keep your customers happy and your business thriving all year round.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Define seasonality in businesses?

Seasonality in business refers to the predictable fluctuations in demand or sales that occur at specific times of the year.

These patterns can be influenced by various factors, such as holidays, weather changes, or cultural events.

Understanding seasonality helps businesses plan for these peaks and troughs, ensuring they have the right products and services available when customers need them most.

This concept is key to managing inventory, staffing, and marketing strategies effectively.

To fully grasp this, it’s important to understand the seasonality definition and how it applies to your specific industry.

2. What is seasonality forecasting?

Seasonality forecasting predicts how customer demand will change during different times of the year.

Unlike general sales forecasting, which looks at overall trends, seasonality forecasting focuses on the specific periods when sales are expected to rise or fall due to seasonal factors.

By understanding these patterns, businesses can better prepare for busy periods and slow times, optimizing inventory and resources to meet customer needs.

3. What are seasonality examples?

Seasonality refers to periodic fluctuations in business activities that occur at certain times of the year.

For instance, retail sales often spike during the Christmas season and then drop off after the holidays.

This pattern is reflected in sales data, which typically shows an increase from September through December, followed by a decline in January and February.

Understanding these examples of seasonality can help businesses anticipate and plan for these regular changes.

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